Fraud Alert – Spotting Scams of Older Adults

Aerial view of JeffCo courthouse

If there seems to be reason for concern that an older adult has fallen victim to a scam, whether that be a family member or a friend, here are some things to try:

  • Talk to the older adult about new friends in their life and what kind of activity they’ve been involved in online.
  • Ask if they are familiar with scams that target older adults and what they’re doing, on a regular basis, to protect themselves.
  • If there seem to be genuine concerns and evidence of red flags, call Adult Protective Services and ask if they would do a welfare check.
  • If you are a family member, talk to their closest friends and ask if there are new acquaintances in their life or if they have been ignoring their long-term friends. If you are a friend, call a family member and share your concerns.
  • If possible, talk to their attorney to share your concerns. You can ask if changes have been made to legal documents, such as a power-of-attorney or will.
  • Expect resistance but be persistent.