First Judicial District hosting another Fresh Start to resolve active warrants

Fresh Start
Posted on April 18, 2022

GOLDEN, Colo. (April 14, 2022) – People with active warrants for non-violent, low-level misdemeanor and traffic charges in Gilpin or Jefferson counties will once again have an opportunity to resolve their case without arrest as Colorado’s First Judicial District hosts its second Fresh Start event at the Jefferson County Probation Remington Building on Saturday, Apr. 30th, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

“All of our government and community stakeholders are excited to offer this opportunity again after the tremendous success that we had at last year’s first-ever Fresh Start event,” said First Judicial District Attorney Alexis King.

At the debut event in August 2021, a total of 50 individuals – including some who traveled from out-of-state – cleared their warrant either by setting a new court date, re-engaging in probation or resolving their case entirely. One couple drove all night from Idaho and slept in a parking lot to take care of a warrant from a 2014 case, while another participant flew in from Maryland to resolve their warrant as they had turned their life around and were starting a new job with a Fortune 500 tech company.

“It truly was a heart-warming experience,” said Jennifer Kilpatrick, Director of Conviction Integrity & Equity for the First Judicial District Attorney’s Office. “The people we were able to help get back on track all wanted to accept accountability for past mistakes so they could move forward with their lives without the fear of being arrested and having their entire life disrupted.”

By addressing those cases at last year’s event, the collaborative effort is estimated to have saved taxpayers more than $37,000 and sheriff’s deputies over 37 hours that would have been spent if they had arrested these 50 individuals and booked them in jail.

The collaboration resolves minor cases that traditionally involve arrests and court appearances that can negatively impact defendants who want to accept accountability. Individuals on probation who have fallen out of compliance can also re-engage and get back on track to completing their sentence.

Public defenders will again be available to review eligibility and provide legal consultation to qualifying defendants at no cost. Several community partners – including the Community Connections Center (C3), Jefferson County Public Health, Jefferson Center for Mental Health, Front Range Clinic, Intervention, Inc., Behavioral Treatment Services, Stout Street Clinic, Kaizen Food Rescue and Benefits in Action – will also be on-site to provide information and resources for individual needs such as housing and vaccinations.

Fresh Start is a collaborative effort between First Judicial District Attorney Alexis King, the Colorado State Public Defender’s Office, First Judicial District Court, Jefferson County Court, First Judicial District Probation Department, Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, Jefferson County Justice Services and C3.

People who have been charged or convicted of an offense under the Victim Rights Act – such as assault, child abuse, unlawful sexual contact or domestic violence – and those with second or subsequent cases involving driving under the influence or driving while ability impaired are not eligible for the program.

Individuals who attend will appear before a deputy district attorney who may offer those eligible a plea agreement. The underlying warrant will be cleared by a judge who may resolve the case or set a new court appearance date.  

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