Crime Victim Comp (CVC) Board Meeting

Meeting location:

Office of the First Judicial District Attorney

500 Jefferson County Parkway

Golden, CO 80401

  • Meeting dates, times, and location are subject to change.
  • Please call or e-mail the Crime Victim Compensation Administrator for confirmation prior to the meeting date.

Valarie Van Kam, Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) Administrator

500 Jefferson County Parkway

Golden, CO 80401

Phone: 303.271.6846

Email: [email protected]


Fax: 303.271.6785

  • The Board has the authority to hold an executive session when considering documents that are protected by the mandatory nondisclosure provisions of the “Colorado Open Records Act” as allowed in C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(c), §24-6-402(4)(g), C.R.S. § 24-72-202(4)(b)(4) and C.R.S. §24-7-204(1)(a).
  • All attendees are required to comply with security screening procedures as directed upon entrance into the District Attorney’s Office. Attendees will be required to provide their full name for inclusion in the minutes.
  • To ensure an equitable and fair process for all CVC applicants and preserve CVC claim confidentiality pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-4.1-107.5, persons attending the meetings may not address the CVC Board during the meeting. If there is a matter you would like the Board to consider, you may submit a written request to the CVC Administrator by the first day of the month for review at the next scheduled meeting. If the information is related to a claim, it should contain factual information, substantiation, and/or explanation of losses related to the claim.
  • For a copy of the First Judicial CVC Program Policies and Procedures, Bylaws, or meeting minutes please email the CVC Program Administrator.
  • To report a violation of the Standards for Administration of the Crime Victim Compensation Program, contact:

Colorado Division of Criminal Justice, Victims’ Compensation and Assistance Coordinating Committee

700 Kipling, Suite 1000

Denver, CO 80215
303.239.4442 / 888-282-1081 (toll free)

Updated 11/13/24

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